BalTec machine before and after revison and overhaul

The old made new


Whether you are looking for a new motor for your riveting machine, replacement valve for your assembly equipment or a set of bearings, we have the spare parts you need. We have the complete seal and bearing kits for all riveting machine models of the last 25 years in stock and ready for immediate shipment.


Our riveting machines are so durable, many of our first models introduced in 1969 are still in use. Based on overall condition, age and inspection, our service department can often repair or rebuild various generation BalTec machines to normal operating conditions. All model riveting machines and multi-point attachments can be sent to our facility for evaluation and refurbishing.


We are your source for replacement of radial forming and orbital forming tools, and we now offer quick turnaround when emergencies arise. For your convenience, we also promote blanket tool orders to ship your custom tools at your request.

Repair of your machine

  • in a BalTec technology center
  • Repair of your machine in your production facility with minimal loss of production
  • After repairing a machine in a technology center, the machine undergoes the same performance test as a new delivery
  • After evaluation / before executing the repair, a binding offer will be issued
  • Telesupport or support via TeamViewer possible, depending on the product
  • Certificate of ability available on request

If you need a quotation, send us your spare part request by adding the spare part number.

Image of BalTec riveting heads repair parts

Advantage of maintenance

  • Customized
  • In manufacturer quality and know-how
  • Maintaining the value of the machine
  • Use of original spare parts 
  • Increase of production output
  • Less scrap 
  • Minimizing risk of down time
We are happy to help you to find the best applicable solution!

We eliminate downtime

If a machine downtime occurs, take advantage of our exchange service. 

Experience shows that regular overhaul of a device enhances flawless function and reduces unexpected downtime during runs. Overhauls should be done at least every two years. With a corresponding service contract, we can provide certain parts or entire machines in exchange until you receive your repaired device or components back to reinstall them on-site. This reduces downtime to a minimum and as soon as your machine has been revised, you will receive the original back, but made new.

Baltec's forming tool roduction and service center


BalTec forming tools are known for their long service life.

Depending on the application, we also offer special tool coatings for longer service life or lower friction.

All BalTec forming tools and spare parts such as pressure cups and form tool holders are manufactured at the head office or in the BalTec USA branch to the same high standard.
Common parts such as bearing and seal kits, pneumatic control components, electric motors and critical spindle components are available from stock.
We manufacture forming tools and tool profiles in different shapes, materials, and sizes for an enormous variety of applications.

Advantage of Repair Part Service

▪  Quick delivery of tools

▪  Guaranteed pricing for blanket order periods    

▪  Quantity discounts

▪  Reliable scheduling of your delivery need

▪  Quick availability of all parts

▪  Spare parts for all current machine types

▪  Long availability of spare parts for older machines