BalTec drawing of a radial rotary index table

Round Table

Work Cells or workstations with coordinate riveting machine and HPP

For your radial riveting machine or press to perform at its maximum, most efficient level, BalTec designs standard assembly equipment as well as custom specific solutions to accomplish all production processes. Specializing in lean workcells, BalTec's experienced design team can take your assembly equipment system from conception through completion.

Combined with round table
Complete and autonomous working station with safety enclosure, coordinate riveting machine (X = 200 mm, Y = 300 mm) with round table (Ø = 870 mm).


Belt transfer

Work Cells for belt transfer system
Complete and autonomous working station with safety enclosure for integration into transfer line. These work cells, which include a coordinate riveting machine with customized belt system and workpiece holder, can double or triple throughput even in small to medium runs. Depending on the required riveting force, 4 different riveting units can be applied. Automatically, the optional proportional valve technique makes it easy to handle rivets of different sizes and materials in the same workpiece.

Both machines include
Process monitoring and controlling, 63 riveting programs that can be addressed and saved, 6 different control parameters / 45 riveting modes, integrated logger function, data recording, ethernet und USB interfaces, 5.7“ touchscreen LED backlit.

BalTec-Zeichnung einer Arbeitszelle mit Lineartransfersystem
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